
Dice Thrones - Luxury boxes for those precious dice!

Created by Daniel at Nat20!

Gorgeous single, double or quadruple set dice boxes, specially designed for those of us that like our dice organised and ready to roll!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys Updates
over 3 years ago – Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 04:30:25 PM

Hi everyone! Hope you had a great weekend!

We gave it an extra night to give chance for the remaining 5% to reply, but it seems to be dragging on a bit so have hit the send button on the surveys to everyone. Those should be with you soon!

A few notes from the smoke test!

Multi purchases! We didn't anticipate many multi purchases! If buying 2 items then the delivery costs are pretty much on the head, but if buying 3 or more items then the calculations on delivery may be over priced. We're not looking to rip anyone off so if you are looking to buy more than 2 items then please feel free to get in contact with us either through backerkit or email us directly at [email protected], that way we can work out the actual costs for you and make sure everything is right, it's not exactly cheap by default!

Picking the correct items! Make sure you're selecting the correct item, check the title/desctiptions. Admittedly, lacking photographs of every single option is a bit of a pain as a buyer so I do appreciate there could be some confusion. The plan was to do some photoshop magic to add images that fully represent each item, but our 'regular work' of building tables and delivering this weekend has set me back. I'll continue to work on this today to see if I can do a late update. For now though I just wanted to point this out.

ETA! We've started working on the boxes, had some setbacks/machine issues/wood issues but we are toddling along! We'd intended to get more of a head start on it all but the setbacks have had their effect. We still hope to get most if not all boxes delivered before Christmas, but for the worst case scenario if you do need these as xmas gifts then just make a note of that. We'll be throwing in the hours to run these as much as possible up to Christmas though so we'll keep you informed on progress as we go!

That's everything for now. If you have any issues or anything in the survey stages then be sure to give us a shout and we'll do our best to clear anything up!

All the best! Dan.

Pledge Manager / Backerkit Update
over 3 years ago – Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 12:59:03 PM

Hey everyone!

Everything has now been checked and tweaked for the pledge manager, and is looking all set to go! We have just pressed go on the 'smoke test' which will send the surveys out to 5% of backers. What this does is allow us to see if there are any problems with the surveys so that we can make any required adjustments on a smaller scale rather than worrying about every backer hitting the same issues.

We'll be giving this until Sunday (25th Oct) at which point we'll hit launch on sending the surveys out to all backers. So if you're one of the lucky 5% feel free to take a look through that asap!

Following the launch, we'll have a 2 week period for you to adjust your order or add extras, and then the orders will be locked in on the 8th November. Hopefully this gives everyone enough time to work with!

As always fire over any questions!

Thanks, Dan.

Backerkit Update
over 3 years ago – Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 12:43:34 AM

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to drop a quick update as it's been a fairly quiet week or so on here. We've completed and are currently waiting on the Backerkit team to review our setup. We'd hoped the pledge manager would've been ready for tomorrow, without realising there was a review process, so that adds 2 days to the equation! If it doesn't go live tomorrow then expect the surveys in the following day or 2.

I'll be in touch with another update shortly just covering the pledge manager and the options in there,  it's pretty self explanatory but good to run through it all either way!

Hope you're all having a great weekend, speak soon!


Aaaaaand it's done!
over 3 years ago – Sun, Oct 04, 2020 at 04:13:10 PM

Thank you!

Our first campaign here has done far better than we'd anticipated, and that's amazing! Throughout this whole campaign we've been tweaking things with the design, taking ideas from you guys and overall we're super happy with our product. This started out as a personal, one off project but I'm super happy that we'll be sharing with you all.

What happens next...

The next 2 weeks will be handled by Kickstarter. I'd originally planned to open the pledge manager straight away so those of you wanting to add multiples can do so right now, but following advice of those who know better (Backerkit) there will be a 2 week grace for KS to do their thing.

Our pledge manager will open up, along with surveys sent, on the 18th October. This will be open for 10 (closing on 28th October). It seems short lived but we're very much dedicated to hitting deliveries in time for Christmas, so hopefully this is long enough for you to make any tweaks or additions.

As any more info/updates occur we'll let you know right here, and as always any questions etc just fire away! Thank you again, Dan.

New Unlock! - Walnut Wood Option Now Available!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Oct 01, 2020 at 04:29:54 AM

This morning we rocketed straight past the goal line for unlocking Walnut in our choice of wood options! Having not have the opportunity to work on Walnut myself so far I'm super happy this has come in to play! Here in the UK it's a pretty expensive wood right now, more so than Oak, so the cost is slightly higher, but the option is now available. That leaves us with 2 unlocks left with 2 and a bit days to go! It's going to be a fun weekend!

Cheers, Dan.